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Hirschmann Spider-Sl-20-04T1M49999Ty9Hhhh Unmanaged Switch

Short description:

Hirschmann Spider-Sl-20-04T1M49999Ty9HhhhNumquid aranea-SL / -pl configurator - Spideriii Latin linea (Sl) et premium linea (PL) - Switaged Switaged Fast / Gigabit Ethernet

Reliabiliter transmit magna copia notitia per aliqua spatio cum aranea III familiam Industrial Aer virgas. Hae unmanaged switches habere plug, et-ludere capabilities ut patitur pro velox institutionem et startup - sine ullo instrumenta - ad maximize uptime.

Product Detail

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Product Description



Product: Hirschmann Spider-Sl-20-04T1M49999Ty9Hhhh

ReponereHirschmann4TX 1fx ST EEC


Product Description

Descriptio Unmanaged, Industrial Aer Rail SWITCH PB, FAUDLESS Design, Store et deinceps Switching Modus, Fast Ethernet, Fast Ethernet


Pars numerus 942132019


Portus genus et quantitas IV X X / 100Base, TX, TP cable, RJ45 Socks, Auto-Transitus, Auto-Negotiation, Auto-Polarity X / 100Base, Auto-TP, RJ45, Auto-TX, I X-FX, Mm Cable, Skes


Magis interfaces

Vox copia / Signaling Contact I X obturaculum, in terminalibus obstructionum, III-pin




Current consummatio ad XXIV V DC Max. C ma


Operating voltage 12/24 V DC (9.6 - XXXII V DC)


Potentiam consummatio Max. W 2,4


Power output in BTU (sic) / h 8,3


Construction mechanica

Dimensiones (WXHXD) XXVI x CII x LXXIX mm (w / o terminatio obstructionum)


Pondus CXX g


Adscensio Rail


Praesidium genus IP30 plastic



EMC intercessiones immunitatis

En 61000-4-2 electrostatic missionem (ESD) VI KV Contact missionem, VIII kv aer missionem


En 61000-4-3 electromagnetic agri 20v / M (LXXX - M mhz), 10v / m (M - MMM mhz)


En 61000-4-4 ieiunium transients (rumpere) 2KV potentia linea; 4kv notitia linea


En 61000-4-5 Surge voltage Power Versus: 2KV (Line / Terra), 1KV (linea / line); 1KV notitia linea


En 61000-4-6 conducted immunitas 10v (CL KHz - LXXX MHZ)




Ex vexillum CE, FCC, en61131


Salus of Industrial Imperium Equipment CUL 61010-1 / 610-2-2-2-201



Specto LX menses (placere ad termini de spondet pro detailed notitia)


Scope of partus et accessiones

Accessories RPS 30/80 EEC Power RSP / CXX EEC (CC), Wall adscendens laminam ad Laudate Rail ascendens (width 40/70 mm)


Scopum Fabrica terminatio obstructionum salutem disciplinam

Related Models


Spider-Sl-20-04t1M49999Ty9hhhh (Restituo Spider 4TX 1fx Sancti EEC)

Sl-20-05t1999999Ty9hhhh (reponere aranea 5tx EEC)










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